UFO fake or not?


Are aliens among us? or is this just a conspiracy?

Many people believe in the existence of aliens. Some think that they have been among us from ancient times, and there are many that believe that we are alone in the universe due to the location of our planet earth.

Nowadays, there are many people who have accounts that affirm that they have been in contact with aliens from other parts of the universe.

Other people believe that we are the aliens that have evolved from humans and are from the future.

Others have videos, but are they real or fake?

Resultado de imagen para aliens



You are UFO researchers: You have to search for information or videos about aliens and their existence. You will have to collect enough valid evidence to prove your position. After that, you will have to make a survey around the class by using a format to see who believes and doesn't believe in the existence of aliens. You will have to gather data. Then you will have to present the information. Finally, make a debate.






The interviewer will have to make a survey and give it to the interviewees

The questions will have to be about:

1.- Do you believe in UFO´s?

2.- Have you seen one?

3.- Do you think that we will have interactions with Aliens in the future?

4.- How do you think they will be?

Videos from valid sources:


The researcher will have to present the videos he most considers to be real in front of the class.

He will have to collect information about who made the video when it was made, why you think the aliens will want to come to earth in the future, will the government give information to the public in the future? 

The presentation will have to be of 10 minutes in which the researcher will have to decide whether the information presented is real or fake.


The class will be divided into two groups. Students will decide if they are with or against the existence of UFOs.

The researcher will present each video and ask a question.


Web Quest - Rubric







All points earned




-3 points




-6 points


Needs Improvement


-10 points




Use of Internet (Links Provided)

Successfully uses suggested Internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Usually able to use suggested Internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Occasionally able to use suggested Internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.


Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested Internet links and/or to navigate within these sites.






Web Quests Tasks Completed

All areas of the project were addressed and handled with a high degree of sophistication. Project is interesting and completed.

The project is only partially completed. The project submitted demonstrates a great deal of thought. (Between 75% and 100% complete)

The project is only partially completed. The project submitted demonstrates a moderate level of thought. (Between 50% and 75% complete)

The project is incomplete, and/or it is apparent that little effort went into the development of the project, and/or project is less than 50% complete.





Power Point/Publisher Project - Attractiveness


Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.


Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation.


Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content.


Use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. but these often distract from the presentation content.







Time Use


Classroom time was used to work on the project.

Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work.

Classroom time was used to work on the project the majority of the time.

Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work.


Classroom time was used to work on the project the majority of the time, but conversations often were disruptive or did not focus on the work.


The Student did not use classroom time to work on the project the majority of the time and/or was highly disruptive.




Grammar, Format, and Spelling

The final body of work was free of grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.

The final body of work had 1-2 errors related to grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.


The final body of work had 3-5 grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.


The final body of work had major grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.




Resultado de imagen para self evaluation rubrics


Members: Elias Lalaleo, Lesly Robles, Diego Mazón