Vestigial Structures (LA)


Welcome to this Vestigial Structures Webquest! By researching different vestigal structures and their functions, you will gain more information about vestigial structures! Hope you enjoy this quest!


Your task is to choose 2/5 of the following articles/video. The first article is a required read and counts as one of the articles. Enjoy researching!



Vestigial Structures (Required Read)

Use the following link to help you answer the following questions:

1.What is a Vestigial Structure? 


2. Describe the process of Evolution. 


3.This article talks about a flightless bird, tell me what you learned about it in your own words.


4. What was the most interesting Vestigial Structure in humans that you learned about? Explain why. 


5. Summarize this Article in 3-4 sentences. 


Are Wisdom Teeth Vestigial Structures?

Use the following link to help you answer the following questions:

1.Is the human jaw bigger or smaller than it was 300 years ago?


2. How do you think our diet has changed in the past 300 years? 


3.  List 3 other interesting facts you found from this article.



Vestigial Organs (Interesting Read!)

Use the following link to help you answer the following questions:

1.What organism did snakes descend from? Explain


2. Did you know organisms that reside in caves tend to lose their eye sight completely?! Tell me about the Astyanax mexicanus.


3. Interesting... this article states that the human appendix is vestigial, tell me do you think it's vestigial or not? Explain. 


Vestigial Structures

Use the following video to help you answer the following questions:

  1. What did Darwin say about Vestigial Structures in the Origin of Species? (2-3 sentences)


  1. Goosebumps are neither an organ or structure, but a reflex. How are goosebumps helpful for other organism, but vestigial in humans?


  1. In the video it discusses how we are on an evolutionary trajectory to get rid of Wisdom teeth. How do you think this would occur? How long would you think?


This “Useless” Organ Determines Which Ants Grow Into Large Soldiers
Use the following link to help you answer the following questions:

1. What determines whether an ant grows into a soldier or a worker ant?


2. Do you think this organ was always useful or vestigial at one time? Explain your answer. 


3. How did they investigate the relationship between the wing discs and the soldier subcaste?


4. What else did the scientist learn from this investigation?





Be prepared to share with your peers. 


When done let me know and I will come by. Airdrop me your answers.