Vietnam War


This unit covers the Vietnam War, both in Southeast Asia and in the United States. The unit covers the cause and effect nature of the outbreak of the war, the Tet Offensive, and the anti-war movement. You will be asked to not only answer basic questions about the war but also to make connections to current events or other topics we have previously covered in the class. High-level thinking and critical thinking are also needed to provide your opinion and to make arguments to back up your opinions. 


Review ALL provided resources, as they will help you answer the questions. Each day covers a different topic. After reviewing the provided links answer the questions below in complete sentences. Some questions ask for citations or specific examples. Please provide those as needed.


Day 1: Origins of the Vietnam War

This section covers the cause and effect factors of the start of the war. Review the provided links, articles, and videos. Answer the questions below using the provided content. Some questions may call for deeper-level thinking and making connections to topics outside of the Vietnam War. These include previously covered topics or discussions we have regarding current events.

History Channel War Origins Article

Khan Academy Video (You only need to watch the first 10:30 minutes)


1: What was the United States’ stance during the Cold War?

2: Summarize the cause and effect nature of the buildup to US involvement in Vietnam.

3: Describe the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

4: Critique the causes of the Vietnam War. In your opinion are the United States’ reasons for the conflict justified?

5: Who was Ho Chi Minh? What was his role in the lead-up to the conflict?

6: Describe the role of the Truman Doctrine in the United States' role in the conflict

7: Connect the Pentagon Papers to current events and political climate.


Day 2: The Tet Offensive

This section covers the Tet Offensive, an important event during the war which had lasting consequences. Review the provided resources. Pay close attention specifically to the interview portions of the PBS video as they serve the purpose of primary source documentation of the Offensive. Answer the questions using the provided resources. 

History Channel Tet Offensive Article

PBS Tet Offensive Video


1: Answer the Five Ws of the Tet Offensive (Who, What, When, Where, and Why)

2: Summarize the Tet Offensive in 5-7 sentences

3: What were the impacts of the Offensive on both the military and support of the war in the States?

4: How are the American and Vietnamese accounts of the Offensive similar? How are they different?

5: How is the perspective of the Offensive presented differently in primary and secondary sources? Cite specific examples. Hypothesize as to why there are differences.

Day 3: Cultural and Political Fallout from the War

This section covers the anti-war movement across the United States. The movement gained steam following the Tet Offensive but was already in place before that event. The cultural and political fallout from the war is also covered. Use the provided resources to answer the questions.

History Channel Anti-War Article

1968 Chicago Riots

Woodstock and Counter-Culture

1: What was the attitude of the American public at the start of the war?

2. What was the counter-culture?

2: What was the effect of the Tet Offensive on the public and political attitudes in support of the war?

3. What was the cause of the 1968 Chicago Riots?

4: Compare the anti-war movement and those in support of the war?

5. Why did the anti-war movement gain so much support on college campuses?

6. Would you have been part of the counter-culture or anti-war movement? Why or why not?

7: What are some of the lasting impacts of the anti-war movement? Make a connection with today’s world and events.



Summative Assessment:

33 Points
25 Points
16 Points
Less than Satisfactory
8 Points
0 Points

Question answers and content understanding

Answers are thought and complete

The majority of questions are answered in a complete fashion

Most of the questions are answered in a complete fashion

Few of the questions are answered in a complete fashion

No attempt made

Critical thinking and high-level understanding

Critical thinking and high-level understanding in all phases of the assignment. Connections are made to other topics or current events

Critical thinking and high-level understanding in most phases of the assignment. Some connections are made to other topics or current events

Critical thinking and high-level understanding in some areas of the assignment. Some connections are made to other topics or current events

Critical thinking and high-level understanding in a few phases of the assignment. The assignment lacks connections are made to other topics or current events

No attempt made


The assignment is virtually free of mechanical errors

There are a limited number of errors in the assignment

The assignment has a few errors

Errors are present thought the assignment

No attempt made

Formative Assessment:

3 Points
2 Points
Needs Improvement
1 Point

Formative Assessment: Grasp of content material

The student shows a full understanding of the presented material and working knowledge in making connections.

The student shows some understanding of the presented content material and can make some connections to other content material.

The student shows minimal underneaths of content material and cannot make the required connections.

No attempt made


The Vietnam War was a controversial and important era in the history of the United States. The cause and effect nature of the war, the changes in public opinion, and the counter-culture protests all have a lasting impact on the public psyche of the country. We are still dealing with some of the impact of the Vietnam War today, and the energy of the protests of the era is still present in today's political climate and within our culture and society. To understand the origins of the Vietnam War and the fallout from the conflict let us better understand the world today.