The Water Cycle


Oh no! The people of Hotville are becoming too hot! They are asking, "How is rain made?" and "Where do we get water from?". Can you help them? Watch a video on the water cycle, research the different stages of the water cycle, and write a narrative as if you are a water droplet going through the water cycle. Share this with the people of Hotville so they can learn about the rain cycle.


For this WebQuest, you will learn what the water cycle is an the stages involved in the cycle. Watch the video on the water cycle, then research each stage, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

Finally, write a narrative. Pretend you are a water droplet going through the water cycle. This should be written in first person (I, my, me). You should include words: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. As you go from one stage to the other use details to describe what you feel, see, and hear. Write out your narrative and turn into me.


Task one: Watch the Water Cycle Video

Video Link:

Task Two: Research the Different Stages of the Water Cycle

 Use this worksheet to answer you research questions:







Video 2: 

Task Four: Water Droplet Narrative

Now that you have learned about the water cycle, you are going to put your knowledge to the test. On your own, you are going to write as if you are a water droplet going through the stages of the water cycle. Your narrative should be at least three paragraphs (one for each stage of the water cycle). You may name your water droplet to make it more personal. You need to use the words: Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation in your writing. Make sure to describe them as well. When your water droplet is going through the stage of the water cycle, use your senses to describe what you see, hear and feel when you are in each stage and while going from one stage to another. The more detail the better. View the rubric to make sure you understand what you are being graded on.

Watch this video to help you get started:



Excellent job! The people of Hotville now understand the water cycle and where rain comes from. The Water Cycle is a continuous cycle that our Earth relies on. 


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