World War II


From your history classes you already know a lot about the Second World War from the russian sitizen point of view. But how much do you know about western front? About the world in 1930-s? Does the word "D-Day" tell you anything? It's not surprising if it doesn't. So let's expand our horizons!

Русские и Россия: как нас изображают на Западе | Миры | Мир фантастики и  фэнтези


Task 1. Split into groups, watch the video, retell it

Task 2. Test your knowledge of the Second World War.

Task 3. Split into 3 groups, choose one topic and make a report.


Task 1. Split into groups, watch the video and tell how the world looked like back in 1930-s and further on (discuss and make up a plan in group).

Task 2. Test your knowledge of the Second World War with this 10-question quiz.

Task 3. Split into 3 groups, choose one topic and make a report. 

  • D-day 
  • Crystal Night
  • Hero of War (you are free to choose this person yourself) 

Let's evaluate our work! 

  • What did we learn today? Let's discuss.

How to write your IA evaluation | IB Psychology



Thanks for your work, you were great!